We're being lied to by our government, legacy media and social media. They have worked together to promote "approved" content and hide, delete or diminished "unapproved" content. That's as un-American as it gets. I believe that COVID-19 was a Chinese-made bio-weapon released by intention from the Wuhan lab largely directed by the witch doctor Fauci in coordination with the U.N., the WHO, the WEF, Bill Gates and the rest. I believe this was done to study our response times and counter measures, sadly, as a rehearsal for something much worse in the future. Add in the deaths and economic destruction imposed world-wide by the virus and the parallel government overreach in America largely by Democrats and you have a weakened Europe and America.
The end game? Weaken America and Europe so that a global restructuring can take place with the CCP and Global elites being dominant. These globalists have flooded us with migrants, many of whom have no wish to assimilate.Why are the Democrats and RINO's insanely piling more debt on us? They're bought and paid for by the CCP and the America-hating George Soros. The CCP has compromised thousands of us in academia, media and government, most notably Joe Biden. Why are a bunch of America-hating economic fools running our largest cities and our Federal government? They either bought their way in, lied their way in or cheated their way in.
The coordinated attack from government policy, social media influence and censorship, mainstream media lies, corrupt courts and disastrous economic policy are all designed to weaken America and western Europe socially and economically because we're the only ones strong enough to stand in their way.
If you're ignorant enough to have posters of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao then you must support totalitarianism. No matter the flag, these maniacs killed approximately 100 million people with Mao being the worst and Stalin coming in second. How did they do it?
1. Control speech: Censor all opposing views, eventually at the point of imprisonment, torture or death. Look at the J6 prisoners.
2. Outlaw religion: God is about liberty. They are not. They want to kill the practice and the belief. Look at what the FBI has been up to.
3. Control thought: Use propaganda to get out the "right message" to the people. Discredit or destroy any free or alternative forms of speech or expression. Look at all the lies from Fauci about masks, vaccine safety, etc...
4. Disarm the population.
5. Nationalize all means of production, commerce and finance. We do not want a digital currency!
6. Dissolve private property rights.
7. Control and track the movement of the population. (Needing special I.D. to travel and to buy and sell) You don't want a cap implant or scannable tattoo.
8. Control the judiciary, the police and the military.
9. The populace is run by the State.
10. The State is run by an insulated, privileged group of elites.
I could go on, but you get the picture. Oh yeah, I do believe we landed on the moon.
If you believe Communism/Socialism is so great then why did East Berlin build a wall to keep people IN? Look at what happened to Venezuela. Look at life in China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea. You want that? What Joe the Buffoon is doing is just a taste: higher taxes, higher gas prices, attacks on religion, attacks on 2A....all designed to transfer more and more control to the government. Do you really want some bureaucrat to tell you where you can live, where you will work, which car you may have, which God you are allowed to pray to and also take whatever you own that the State may want?
A defiant Donald J. Trump stands after surviving an attempt on his life.
There is one who never slumbers or sleeps. He sees the comings and goings of men and laughs at the plans of the evil ones. What we face is a multi-dimensional war. We must be alert and courageous. We must also realize that what is driving this is a spiritual war. We are God's creation. The earth is God's creation. The Destroyer wants to defile and corrupt all of God's creation. When it looks like they've won He will knock them to their knees. It will be quick. It will be decisive and unequivocally, unmistakably His doing. Glory be to God! Sift what you read and hear. Listen at what is said and look at what is being done. Get as close to God as you can, the closer you are, the clearer you'll see. Be bold in doing what is right but the battle is His.
"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked." Psalm 91 7-8
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14
"You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.’ Deuteronomy 3:22
- Read your Bible- I like the NIV because it is easy to read.
We are in an information war, a political war, an economic war and a spiritual war. THERE IS A WORLD OF DECEIVERS OUT THERE: ABC,NBC,CBS, Google News, Yahoo News, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, PBS, AP, Reuters, WaPo and all the liberal websites are STATE media. By omission, shaping, editing and spin, they are not truth-tellers. Look at how much time they spend telling us Biden is sharp as a tack, vigorous and in total control when the guy only works at best 3 or 4 hours a day and only 40% of the time. He struggles to form a complete impromptu sentence and has no idea where he is half of the time.
If you want a clearer picture, go to:
The Epoch Times, OANN, The Washington Times, MARIA BARTIROMO AT Fox Business News, Newsmax, AMVO especially WarRoom with Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Dagan McDowell, Greg Kelley, Stuart Varney, projectveritas.com, Sharyl Atkisson, Lara Logan, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich, American Hero- Mike Lindell at lindelltv.com, InfoWars with Alex Jones, Dick Morris, Vernon Jones, Candace Owens, The Gateway Pundit, Kimberly Strassel, usdebtclock.org, Peter Navarro, The Man- Donald Trump. I'm sure there are lots of YouTubers and TikTokker's but I'm an old coot so yes this is definitely not a comprehensive list.
----Read anything by John Adams, Thomas Paine, Thomas Sowell, Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Ben Franklin, James Madison, George Washington, Ayn Rand, Edmund Burke, William F. Buckley Jr., Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Daniel, Moses, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke and John.
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