This corrupt hyper-partisan maniac typifies all that is wrong in D.C. He has taken money from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and how many others? He has used his DOJ to persecute his political enemies, rams through executive orders over Supreme Court decisions and champions his party's talking points of deception, division and fear.
The Federal government spends around $19 billion every day...much of it on things that we have no business spending money on. With a $35 trillion national debt our interest alone on the debt hovers at $900 BILLION, approximately the same as our Defense budget.
Our America-hating Democrats and establishment Republicans are trying any way they can to dilute or destroy the Constitution. We're at a crossroads in 2024. Our federal government is a beast that has grown out of control. Democrat politicians have opened our southern border to anyone and everyone flooding our country with literally anyone.
Ever wonder how Joe Biden is a multi-millionaire, like Bernie Sanders and almost all politicians? Well, let's pretend you want to pass some huge legislation. Then be sure to artfully name it almost the opposite of what it really is, like the Inflation Reduction Act. Be sure to direct spending, excuse me, "investment" into just a smidge of what you're telling those hayseeds that you're really doing. Then load it up with big money grants and earmarks for your favorite concerns like Planned Parenthood or unions or university research grants. Then when it's time to raise some cash, guess who kickbacks moolah by the millions...and oh yeah...why you'd be tickled pink to swing by State U. and give a forty-five minute snoozer for $250,000 on your way to a fact-finding mission in Tahiti.
If you only casually watch the news and engage in commerce at whatever level in America it should be painfully obvious that our Federal government isn't working for us. Our Federal government works for itself, doing whatever is in their best interest, not ours. Their best interest is of course, consolidating, retaining and increasing their money and power. To make matters worse, our politicians at federal and increasingly state and local levels are working for global interests rather than for Americans. Under the Trojan horse of Climate Change, oil and gas industries and farming are being attacked, regulations are being amped up and our personal freedoms are being eroded. Think about it, carbon life forms emit CO2 when we exhale and plant life uses that in photosynthesis and produces oxygen as a by-product. So why are ranches under assault for the cows doing what cows do? Nations are spending billions under the ruse of Climate Change and show me anywhere where that money has done anything besides make a lot of hucksters rich. We're being lied to by our government and our media.
The globalists are attacking the Western way of life because we are used to freedom, we are religious to some degree and we are prosperous. The WEF, The WHO, and the CCP, the UN are in league with the wild-eyed socialists and traitors among us to erode everything we hold dear. With Climate Change as the hammer all they want to do is transfer a pot full of money from the U.S. and Western Europe across the world, raking off large sums for themselves.
According to the WEF (a globalist cabal) the world is damaged by climate change at a rate of $14 million an hour. According to a Bloomberg article, world investment in 2021 and 2022 has averaged $1.3 Trillion annually but $266 Trillion is probably needed. This is of course needed to mitigate the $2.3 quadrillion in estimated damages by the end of the century. Knowing that since 1960 the earth was supposed to freeze or burn up dozens of times by now you may want to ask the return on investment question. Would $1 Trillion drop the earth's temperature by 1 degree? $50 Trillion? $266 Trillion?
So, of course we want responsible environmental practices in mining, manufacturing, transportation and agriculture and that is the answer, not eating synthetic meat and giving all of our resources and independence over to global elites.
If you ever doubted that the "Deep State" existed, just look at the law fare the Democrats have hit former President Trump with.
---If you want to see clearly that the Federal government is a political machine, not caring at all about Americans then look at the inflated price of everything since the criminal Biden was installed. On day 1 he killed the Keystone Pipeline then continued to wage war on all fossil fuels. This drove up the price of gas, oil, diesel and everything related, driving up the price of everything they transport or are used in. This kicked off the inflation that began almost immediately making OUR cost of living much higher. To counter this and make President Joe and the ruling class look better Jerome Powell started steadily raising interest rates which has resulted in several bank failures and higher costs on all borrowing depressing the housing markets as mortgage rates tripled, consumer credit charges jumped etc... So our government, to solve a problem caused by our government caused our lives to get even worse to make a decrepit old crook look a little better.
"The problem with liberalism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
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