So, what do Christian conservatives really think? We're not xenophobic or misogynist or racist like all the juvenile liberal minds want to label us. Of course they do that because they want to dismiss us out-of-hand. That way they don't have to debate the issues. We simply want equal justice under the law for everyone and fiscally responsible government. We believe in America. We believe that God shaped this country to be a beacon of freedom with liberty and the rule of law as its foundation...engraved in stone by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...and these documents should be adhered to.
The photo on the right shows the state of the Union thanks to all these politicians who don't understand fundamental economics and many really don't care. Taxes are an economic disincentive. Tax breaks incentivize an activity. To raise corporate taxes above the prevailing rate simply incentivizes those corporations to go where the grass is greener. Corporations don't pay taxes. Their customers do. To soak the rich with usurious taxes is to incentivize them to simply leave. If you're goal is to make industry and business leave and raise the cost of living on everyone while decreasing our GDP and killing jobs then raise taxes. We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
We're all different and have different goals in mind and differing ideas on how to achieve those goals. We should be able to agree to disagree with civility and open debate. Government is supposed to give everyone a level playing field not pick favorites. But let's cut to the truth: Huge government programs like the "Infrastructure" bills are just massive money laundering schemes taking money and doling it out to favored special interests who will kick back a percentage to politicians. Speaking of infrastructure, where does the fuel tax money go? 18.3 cents on a gallon of gas and 24.3 cents for diesel is collected by the Feds each year. States average about 30 cents a gallon. The total was $43 billion last year.
Looking for a supernatural Christian thriller? Try "The Edge of Heaven".
Their lives are shattered and a demon army is coming for them. Mike and Leigh Conley have the world on a string until one day everything falls apart. A mischievous guardian angel and an ex-Hollywood stuntman join with their friends and family to get them through. If they win, they don't win alone. If they lose, they don't lose alone. Their faith is the key. Available in paperback from Amazon and digital on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Draft2Digital.
Had the chance to meet and briefly speak to a truly nice man, Vernon Jones, pictured here with a proud American patriot. Seems conservative voters don't appreciate being disenfranchised by having their votes switched, deleted or counted fractionally...not to mention state election law being illegally modified by a clueless Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. Add in a slew of counterfeit mail-in ballots with only Biden checked and something's stinky in Georgia. While they were at it Commissar Raffensperger watered down signature matching requirements just to seal the deal. The result? A guy that couldn't draw flies or form a coherent impromptu sentence wins the state AND Warnock and the Pajama Boy become the 49th and 50th senators. Mr. Jones if you would like to move into the governor's mansion we'd love to have you.
If you needed any proof that the 2020 election was stolen, look no further than HR1 as proposed by then Speaker Pelosi. Why else would the Democrats want to federalize election control ? Why would Democrats want to grease the skids for every conceivable election fraud? Ballot harvesting, non-citizens voting, no questions asked voting, no I.D. check, mass mailed ballots, no validating voter rolls.... I guess we'd be mailing absentee ballots to Iran and China if Schumer and Biden got their way. If you need more proof in Georgia check out Garland Favorito, Cleta Mitchell, The Navarro report or "2000 Mules".
The evidence is everywhere, from the 200,000 pre-filled out ballots the guy trucked from New York to Philadelphia to the water main break in Atlanta to the digital fraud involving algorithms, deletions, additions and switching. The most telling is that so many states had election laws modified by their Secretaries of State, not their legislatures, which is illegal. Our nation was founded on the rights of its citizens. One of our most sacred rights is to have free and fair elections. If you're concerned about election integrity and want to contact your Congress person, go to: contact info for representatives at
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